Show as Screensaver

In order to memorize foreign words, you have to carefully look at the questions and their answers. For this, we made the 'Show'.
The Show will display the questions and their answers one by one on a screensaver-like screen.

This way it is possible to sit in a lazy chair and let the answers ‘come to you’. You can even sit on a home trainer and train your muscles too!

Start the show by selecting the test type ‘Show as screensaver’ in the test mode. The show will start immediate. Abort the show by a mouse click or with the key ‘Escape’.


The color of the screen can be changed, if a dark screen is better for you. On the bottom of the screen you can get a ‘hidden’ menu by moving the mouse to the bottom.
In this menu you'll find a pause button too.

The show scheme of questions is default '1000; 2000; 500'. This means: Do you want to change this scheme? Go ahead and change the numbers!