Test setting Type

This is the setting for the type of test. For example a multiple-choice quiz (MCQ), or the game Space Invaders.

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The first step in the learning proces. Just look at the questions and their answers. More info here.


The default test: plain question/answer questions.


The answer is shredded by a meat grinder. It is your job to solve the puzzle!


To start memorizing the list, it is recommended to start with a multiple-choice quiz. You can click on the right answer with your mouse. Teach2000 has two types of multiple-choice questions. One that selects similar answers, and one that selects random answers.

Flashcard quiz

It is more easy to do a flashcard quiz. The question is shown and you must try to find the answer. Typing it is not important now. To cancel the quiz press 'Cancel'.

Writing Test

Another type of test is 'dictation'. The answer is shown for a number of seconds, and you have to copy it.

Space Invaders

Try the game Space Invaders. See Space Invaders for more info.

Method 'The English Teacher'

This is the most difficult type of test. Every wrong key pressed, immediately leads to a wrong answer. In this way it is not possible to learn wrong prepositions, for example.