It is possible to print a test, which may be convenient for teachers.
This is especially useful when multiple versions of a test are needed. Versions are distinguished by their unique id.
Step 1
Enter the questions in Teach2000. These can be open questions, but also multiple-choice questions. The multiple-choice or yes-no questions can be entered in the advanced input mode.
Step 2
Choose [File][Print][Test] in the menu.
Enter 'Title', 'Topic', your name etcetera. Fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory. It is also possible to have the logo of the school printed.
Step 3
It is possible to change the number of blank lines between the questions and the score per question. To do this for all the questions in one go, use the pop-up menu.
For each multiple-choice question it is possible to have the answers shuffled. This way the versions are really different.
Step 4
Choose 'Shuffle' to shuffle all the questions.
Step 5
Click 'Print'. The unique id for this test will change. Repeat step 4 for a different version.
In the header of the pages the page numbers are displayed (Page 1 of 4). In the footer, the file name and the date are shown (file://C:\etc.).
These are settings from Internet Explorer, not Teach2000's.
To prevent this, start Internet Explorer and select [File][Page Setup]. The page settings will be displayed. Empty the header and footer field. Click [OK].