Teach2000 in a network

Teach2000 can operate in a Windows NT/200x/Novell network with central (server) storage of data/lists.

You need all the files as placed in the normal installation folder. The setup does't place files anywhere else on the system.

The t2k documents (question lists) can be placed on the network too.

Every client pc can be provided with a shortcut to Teach2000.exe on the network.

For the technicians

Make an association to the Teach2000 document (t2k) in the registry (in this example Teach2000.exe is located in 'X:\Dirname'):

@="Teach2000 Document"
@="\"X:\\Dirname\\Teach2000.exe\" \"%1\""

A log file of the installation can be generated by starting the installer with parameter /LOG.

A remote installation can be executed using parameters /SILENT or /VERYSILENT.

Other optional parameters are:

/GROUP="folder name"

Parameters for the uninstaller (unins???.exe) are: